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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  August 6, 2011 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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[ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, everybody. what are you doing? nice to see you. welcome. welcome, everybody, "late night with jimmy fallon." that's me. you guys are in a good mood, tonight. i love it. [ cheers and applause ] good, i can feel that new york city vibe. hot crowd. thank you. i'm so excited, you guys. "rise of the planet of the apes" came out today. yeah. [ light laughter ] a movie about genetically-modified animals taking over the world. of course, you may know it by its other name, "jersey shore." [ laughter ] but it is -- was it yesterday it came out? either way, i'm so excited about it. that's right. last night was the season premier of "jersey shore." at the beginning of the episode, a can of bronzer leaked in jwoww's suitcase. [ light laughter ] on the bright side, at least her other two cans weren't leaking. 'cause then that -- [ audience ohs ] that would've been -- >> steve: that would've been bad. >> jimmy: that would've been serious. >> steve: i don't know -- [ applause ] >> jimmy: she's fine.
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she's doing just fine. some political news, here. i read that joe biden will make a diplomatic visit to china in two weeks. you could tell he's taking it seriously. he spent all day trying to read fortune cookies without adding "in bed" after each fortune. [ laughter ] "the long path is often the hardest. [ laughter ] -- in bed. damn!" [ laughter ] this is interesting. a new study found that presidents age two times faster than normal people while they're in office. or, as john mccain put it, "whew, good thing i lost. [ laughter ] i would've been -- wow. [ applause ] would've been like 200 years. woo-ee." man, it's been a tough time for the economy but this week, president obama declared that,
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"things will get better." and then he opened his eyes and blew out the candles on his birthday cake. [ laughter ] it was just -- a really nice moment. it was a really beautiful moment. check this out. this week, a group of buddhists freed 534 lobsters in massachusetts. or, as sharks put it, "wow, it really is 'shark week.' this is fantastic. [ laughter ] this is great." this is cool, you guys. the smithsonian opened a new exhibit today about the chilean miners. though, i thought it was in poor taste when they put it in the basement. i mean that was -- [ audience groans ] they didn't have to do that. >> steve: rude. it's just rude. >> jimmy: yeah, it's just rude. [ laughter ] hey, this sunday is the new york city triathlon. it's where athletes run in central parks, bike along the west side highway, and swim in the hudson river. or, as sharks put it, "man, this week just keeps getting better. [ laughter ] this -- you gotta be kidding me, man! [ applause ]
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it's 'shark week,' man!" >> steve: "come on!" >> jimmy: and finally, in a new interview with "glamour" magazine, hillary clinton said, "one thing i've never been called is soft." and then, bill was like, "me, neither." [ laughter ] we have a great show for you tonight. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: it's gonna be a fun show tonight, you guys. as many of you know, it is "shark week." that's right. so now, it's time for a quick shark fact. >> shark fact! ♪ >> if a shark laughs too hard, it will poop. ♪ [ loud crunching ] >> mm, so good. back to you, jimmy.
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>> jimmy: we got a big show tonight, you guys. you know him from his many hilarious years on "saturday night live," my old pal, horatio sanz is in the house tonight! [ cheers and applause ] he's my favorite. a funny, funny individual. also here tonight, wwe superstar, triple h. [ cheers and applause ] he's a great dude. i love it when triple h stops by. and we got a performance from one of the coolest, most interesting shows playing off broadway, the intergalactic musical "voca people" are here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] they were all white. have you seen them? did you see the rehearsal? >> steve: i've seen pictures. i've seen pictures. >> jimmy: oh, my god, rehearsal was awesome. they just came and they wear white and there's white -- they wear white, like, suits and faces are white and they have, like, white spandex things on their heads and they like -- ♪ bah bee bah bah boo bah ♪ [ laughter ] dude, it's crazy. >> steve: so, it's like a white man group. >> jimmy: it's like a white man group, yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] it is --
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but they do, like, hit songs. they do, like, britney spears and they do all stuff like that. >> steve: it's beautiful. i heard them -- >> jimmy: it's insane. when you watch them, you just -- you're gonna freak out. it's really cool. hey, you guys, today's friday and that's usually when i catch up on some personal stuff. i check my in-box, i return some e-mails, i dress up like the voca people and of course -- [ laughter ] i send out "thank you notes." now, i was -- [ cheers and applause ] i'm running a bit behind today so i thought, if you guys wouldn't mind, i'd just like to write out my weekly "thank you notes" right now. is that cool? do you mind? [ cheers and applause ] jiy mmjames, can i get some "thank you note" writing music, please? ♪ [ laughter ] aw! >> steve: aw! ouch! >> jimmy: what happened that you just turned sour at the end? it's gonna be all right, james. [ light laughter ] i'm not even gonna look at him.
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♪ [ laughter ] thank you, congress and the president, for agreeing on a debt ceiling deal and allowing the country to get back to what we really care about -- t-shirt time! ♪ [ rhythmic clapping ] ♪ thank you, paypal, for sounding like a really friendly prostitute. [ laughter ] thank you, salmonella, for being a form of food poisoning. and not a disney movie about a fish who turns into a princess in time for the ball. [ laughter ]
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that should be a movie, though. >> steve: salmonella, salmonella, night and day, it's salmonella! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that harvey fierstein doing it? >> steve: yeah. it's harvey fierstein doing the new version. >> jimmy: he did the soundtrack. oh yeah. ♪ thank you , dmx, for saying that a lot of rap these days is too corny. i disagree. in fact -- ♪ my name is jimmy and i'm hear to say i like a lot of the rap that i hear these days ♪ ♪ all you need for a hip hop treat are some words that rhyme and a really good beat ♪ [ laughter ] [ applause ] ♪ [ humming ] >> steve: got my corncob pipe! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that one's called "he had a corncob pipe." >> steve: yeah. raccoon skin coat. that's what rappers do, don't
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they? >> jimmy: that's what rappers do. >> steve: ride around in jalopies? >> jimmy: i haven't been to a concert in years. ♪ [ laughter ] thank -- [ laughter ] thank you, linkedin, for being facebook's boring uncle. [ laughter ] "exciting news. gary is now an --" ugh, who cares? [ light laughter ] thank you, autocorrect on my iphone, for making it look like i'm typing in "mad libs." [ laughter ] "hi, tracy, i'll stop by after my stinky blender gets whisper zebras." [ laughter ] [ applause ] [ humming ] ♪
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[ laughter ] ♪ 23 skedoo ♪ wanna buy a duck? >> jimmy: "you wanna buy a duck?" is what you said at the end? >> steve: yeah. joe penner. ask your grandparents, kids. >> jimmy: oh, gosh. ♪ thank you, the word "receipt," for having a totally unnecessary letter "p" in you. you should get your money back for that letter "p," man. hopefully you kept the receip-t. [ laughter ] [ applause ] thank you, report that said presidents age twice as fast as normal people due to the stress of their job, which means that
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if obama gets reelected, he's going to look like this -- [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] [ humming "sanford and son" theme ] ♪ >> jimmy: i'll take it from there. ♪ my name is jimmy and i'm here to say that i'm the best in the usa ♪ ♪ you don't believe what i'm saying? talk to my friends they're over -- ♪ i don't know. [ laughter ] they're over on the badminton court. [ light laughter ] >> steve: they're playin' badmin-ton. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ♪ talk to my friends they're playing lawn bowling ♪ [ light laughter ] >> steve: ♪ dressed in white with a v-neck sweater ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: ♪ i use gel in my hair i don't care i also wear two sets of underwear ♪
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♪ i got -- [ light laughter ] ♪ [ laughter ] thank you, beanbag chairs, for answering the question, "what would it be like to sit on king kong's balls?" [ laughter ] >> steve: that's a question? "my kids are awake, watching the show every night! [ laughter ] i tivo this and play it for breakfast for them. i bring it to mass with me on sunday. [ laughter ] and this what you --" >> jimmy: why would you do that? >> steve: "well, i have a tiny dvd player." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why aren't you listening to the mass? >> steve: "well, he's boring. [ laughter ] father jim isn't as good as father sanchez." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he is much better. >> steve: yeah. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you -- cheerios and spaghettios, for
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being twin siblings that chose different career paths. [ laughter ] there you go, everybody. those are my "thank you notes." [ cheers and applause ] we'll be right back with horatio sanz. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the new blackberry playbook. ♪ together we'll stand, divided we'll fall... ♪ [ male announcer ] it connects to your blackberry smartphone, using blackberry bridge. ♪ ...get on the ball and work together ♪ [ male announcer ] so you can enjoy the best of your phone, on your playbook. ♪ let's work together ♪ now, now, people ♪ because together we will stand... ♪ [ male announcer ] powerful. portable. playbook.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my first guest is one of my favorite people in the world. give it up for my buddy, my pal, the very funny, very talented, mr. horatio sanz, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ tell it like it is don't be ashamed to let your conscience be your guide ♪ ♪ tell it like it is >> jimmy: they're laughing already, i know. [ as aaron neville ] >> "thank you so much, roots." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: my gosh. you do the best aaron neville. that's why they played "tell it like it is," coming out. could you give us a little taste of "tell us like it is"? >> um -- ♪ tell it like it is
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[ laughter ] [ vocalizing ] ♪ you got to, got to tell it like it is ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: what is he even saying? he doesn't even need words. >> yeah, i don't think he's -- >> jimmy: he's not making any sense. no, he's not making any words. >> when he forgets lyrics, he makes stuff up. >> jimmy: he just sounds like he's just going -- [ vocalizing ] [ laughter ] how's your summer been, my man? >> it's been beautiful. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's great to be in new york in the summer. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. it -- you know -- sometimes the streets, they smell like baked urine. [ laughter ] but you give -- that's a tradeoff. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah -- >> so, it's also very fun. and, you know, but i was really hot and -- you know that kind of hot where you can't even walk outside? >> jimmy: yeah. >> and, you know, i have a little weight on me sometimes, so, there's always chafing issues. [ laughter ] you have to deal with. you people know about this. [ laughter ] so you want to get in -- cool. you wanna get cooled off.
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>> jimmy: yeah. >> and so, when i was a kid in chicago, i used to open up fire hydrants. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah -- >> it's illegal. [ light laughter ] but i think they -- >> jimmy: and just dance around in the water? >> yeah. you open it up. and you'd break a cap, so that it sprinkles and then, you'd just drive -- you'd just run around the street and hope the cars don't hit you. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> and i was really looking -- i wanted to have that feeling again, of my youth. recapture the fun of my youth. >> jimmy: uh-huh. >> and so i tweeted, like, "if anybody in new york knows of a fire hydrant that's open, let me know." >> jimmy: you go dance with a bunch of kids? >> yeah. take my shirt off and just hang out with a bunch of kids. [ laughter ] i mean, nothing weird. >> jimmy: i think it's a bad idea. >> nothing weird, just, you know, coolin' off. [ light laughter ] and -- so i got to harlem for -- [ laughter ] this has nothing to do with shirtless kids. i just went to harlem for -- >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah, sure. >> for soul food at sylvia's. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, it's delicious.
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>> delicious, beautiful place. and on the way back, the cab driver passed up a fire hydrant that was open. and i saw it and i'm like -- i was right on the side of the fire hydrant. and i'm like, "this is it," you know? "my dreams have been answered. my 'tweet' dreams." >> jimmy: yeah. >> "tweet dreams." >> jimmy: "tweet dreams," i gotcha. >> that's a program i do on the internet too, if you wanna watch it. >> jimmy: it's the name of your new website. >> yeah. so i see -- i see the fire hydrant, so i start rolling down the window. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and the cab driver is like, "whoa -- no, no!" and he starts rolling it up but i'm rolling it down and i win. some how my -- my controller has more power than the cab driver's. [ laughter ] so i open it and the kids just raise up the water and i get just drenched, like hard. >> jimmy: they just hosed you. >> yeah, like, well, you know when they hosed down monkeys in "the planet of the apes"? [ laughter ] it was like that. [ yells ] >> jimmy: the cab driver's freaking out? >> the cab driver is freaking out.
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he's like, "gotta work in that cab all day. it's gonna be all wet." but it pretty much just got me. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and the kids were all, like, laughing. like, "ah, look at that fool!" [ laughter ] and i'm like, "i wanted to do that." >> jimmy: yeah. >> you know? >> jimmy: so you both got what you wanted? >> yeah, they got to humiliate a -- kind of a white guy. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> and then i -- >> jimmy: you got to cool off. yeah. >> it was like -- it was like that "do the right thing," you know? when the -- the italian guy gets sprayed in "do the right thing"? >> jimmy: yeah. >> it was like that. >> jimmy: yeah. >> that's beautiful. >> jimmy: a little double satisfaction. that was a john lennon, yoko ono album, wasn't it? "double satisfaction"? >> yeah. rest in peace. [ laughter ] too soon, jimmy. too soon. >> jimmy: too soon? -- talking about? you're the one who said "rest in peace." you just saw paul mccartney. >> i did, i saw him -- >> jimmy: [ as paul mccartney ] "at wrigley field." [ as paul mccartney ] >> "i saw him in wrigley field." >> jimmy: "you saw him in chicago, you know?" >> "it's the cubbie-wubbies play here. and now i'm gonna play here." >> jimmy: "first base, second base, third base.
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[ laughter ] and he plays the bass. five bases. [ laughter ] i'm counting home plate as a base." >> he did a cover of "who let the dogs out?" >> jimmy: he did not! he is such a liar! [ laughter ] >> so good. >> jimmy: paul mccartney did not do that. [ as paul mccartney ] ♪ who? who, who? ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that's like bob dylan. [ applause ] i thought you were doing bob dylan. [ as bob dylan ] ♪ who? who? ♪ >> that's a joke i do for bob dylan. that's my bob dylan material. i figured i could just move it over to -- >> jimmy: you did not. >> paul mccartney. >> jimmy: you've never done this. but, how was it? was it amazing? >> it was amazing. >> jimmy: he's the greatest. >> obviously, you've seen him. i came and saw him when he was on your show, which was incredible. >> jimmy: oh yeah. >> i got lucky enough to sit back there and watch. but before that, he did like six, seven songs in "snl." >> jimmy: i was not there then. >> yeah, that was amazing. he just sat there and everybody, you know, from the show, was there. no friends and family. so, i snuck in, because i used to be on the show. [ light laughter ] you might remember -- >> jimmy: yeah, i do remember you, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> and so, it was so incredible, i had my iphone and i'm like, "oh, i'm gonna take a video of it." but there was strictly -- "do not take pictures, do not take
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videos." but i -- so i snuck a video of him, like -- >> jimmy: why? >> 'cause i was -- i don't know. >> jimmy: -- silly, though -- >> something to show my grandkids. i go, "hey, your grandpa hung out with the paul mccartney." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why do you talk like that when you're a grandpa? >> that's how i'm gonna talk when i get old. [ laughter ] "hey, uh -- suck an egg!" [ light laughter ] so, i took this video and a security guard came up to me. and you know, we get to hang out at "snl." we don't get problems, usually. >> jimmy: yeah, well -- >> it's good. >> jimmy: yeah, we're never -- we don't cause trouble. >> no, so, i was just -- i kind of just took the video and i was like, "can you believe it? oh, wow!" and then, the guy was like, "hey! what are you doing? put that down. stop it!" he was like, "get outta here!" and i'm like, "who the hell is this guy?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: who was it? >> he was a security manager -- a security guy for paul mccartney.
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>> jimmy: oh, no. >> and he was like -- "get out of here." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and you're like, "i used to work --" >> yeah, "i used to work here." and the security -- you know the cops that worked on -- we know for many years were like, "he's okay." and they're like, "no, he's not okay. get out. give me your phone." i was like, "oh!" and i'm like, "where's dad? lorne, lorne!" >> jimmy: "where's lorne?" [ laughter ] lorne is hiding. >> lorne wasn't -- no -- >> jimmy: no, he's hiding. >> lorne -- i thought lorne turned around and walked away. [ laughter ] do you remember? we did a sketch, based on -- it was awful, really tanked. but it never aired and it was based on -- remember, you used to shake these wax cups, like -- >> yeah, i would shake, like, a stack of wax cups and then they would fall all over the room. >> jimmy: yeah, they climb up. if you get wax cups and you shake them like this, they grow higher and just rain all over the office, so you should -- you used to pretend that you were nervous or something and these cups would go everywhere, so we made -- >> we thought it would be a sketch. >> jimmy: we thought it was funny. [ laughter ] >> yeah. >> jimmy: we were the only people, clearly. [ laughter ] 'cause it wasn't funny but i -- so we did cup boy and plate boy.
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>> yeah. >> jimmy: original names. [ laughter ] that would come in -- we worked at alec baldwin's pizzeria. and so alec baldwin would ask for plates, i would get nervous and throw the plates around and then, you go -- "and we need a cup, too." and you'd be like -- and you'd the slip the cups. and then, we would get mad, we would yell -- [ italian accent ] "deuce bigalow!" [ italian accent ] >> "male gigolo!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: it never took off. it was not funny but i have a clip of the sketch. lorne let us air this. no one's seen this before. check this out. >> it's all right, cup boy. you can keep trying. [ incomprehensible babbling ] [ crashing ] [ laughter ] >> "deuce bigalow!" >> "male gigolo!" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, you're gonna be at the del close improv marathon. >> i am, i'm gonna be at the del close improv marathon, ucb
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theater. we're gonna have some nice -- >> jimmy: i used to -- i went to -- i went there a couple times. it is amazing. it is like a all night long deal. it's like a -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- 20 hour thing of all improv groups. >> i think it's three days. you can stay there the whole time, if you want. some people actually do stay there the whole time. >> jimmy: i remember we used to -- i used to go out and then come over, like, 5:00 in the morning. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and just watch sketches until i went to sleep. >> and you can, yeah. you can come over -- >> jimmy: it's super fun. where is ucb theatre again? >> 26th street and 8th avenue. >> jimmy: you guys gotta go check horatio sanz over out there. [ cheers and applause ] august 12th through the 14th. more with horatio sanz when we come back, you guys! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: all right, everybody. we're back with my man horatio sanz. we're just talking about some of the stuff that we've done together. of course, the "saturday night live" stuff was fun. >> yeah, it was really, really fun. >> jimmy: yeah. >> we just wanted to have fun and i think we put that across. >> jimmy: well, a lot of people don't know we also didxretty
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dramatic series, too. we made it about two brothers that go home and reminisce about their childhood. >> yeah. that was a really important show. we tried to go a different way than comedy. and it was called "drawer full of memories." [ light laughter ] very serious project. >> jimmy: that's right, yeah. "drawer full of memories." it was -- it was just us looking through some old drawers and then just talking about, like, what all this stuff meant to us. [ light laughter ] >> i mean, i'm very proud of this project. it wasn't very successful, but i was very proud of it. i think it was one of our best stuff we ever done. >> jimmy: yeah, i agree. but you know, it wasn't -- it was not an easy show to make. >> no. no, it was not. >> jimmy: for one thing, we made this show at a time in my life where i could not read. [ laughter ] there was no way for me to learn my lines. >> yeah. yeah, that made it very difficult. >> jimmy: it did. plus, you absolutely refused to rehearse. >> yeah. i couldn't rehearse. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i had some ailment where i couldn't rehearse. >> jimmy: you could not
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rehearse. [ light laughter ] we never knew what was going to be in those drawers. so, we had to basically just go and make it all up on the spot. it was -- >> yeah, but i don't think anyone could tell we were making it up at the time. >> jimmy: no, i don't think so either. i think it worked great together. it was like we could read each other's minds. it was a great show. want to take a look at a clip? >> awesome. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ laughter ] >> jimmy: good to be home again. [ strange voice ] >> oh, yeah. back in the room we shared as twin brothers. [ laughter ] two boys struggling to be men. not much has changed in the small town of franklin -- >> jimmy: franklinburg. >> franklinburg. >> jimmy: yeah. are you making fun of my voice? [ normal voice ] >> where our mother --
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>> jimmy: jane. >> jane. [ laughter ] >> and our father, craig. >> jimmy: craig. [ laughter ] craig? >> raised us. >> jimmy: raised us, yeah. it wasn't easy with dad having two jobs. i mean, he was a -- >> a bone -- >> jimmy: a bone -- >> he was a bone inspector. >> jimmy: he was a bone inspector. [ laughter ] >> is that in there? >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. he was a bone inspector, yeah? >> yeah. >> jimmy: and then he was -- he was also a -- he was also a, uh -- jack-o-lantern. [ laughter ] >> he was a jack-o-lantern. >> jimmy: a jack-o-lantern-er. >> yeah. he'd empty out his head and put a candle in it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a candle in it. it was a fun party trick. >> rents himself off for hollywood. >> jimmy: it was great. yeah, yeah, yeah. of course, our poor mother, she suffered terribly from -- >> scurvy? >> jimmy: yeah, scurvy. [ laughter ]
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never cleaned the pool and, you know, that's what happens. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and here's our old chest-of-drawers. yeah, what memories are in here, man? god, you remember this? yeah. >> man, so great to be in this old house again. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] the walls are weak, falling down. every drawer holds a different item of great significance to our childhood. >> well, each chest in this drawer has its own story to tell. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah. >> i think we should open the drawers and take a little trip down memory lane. >> jimmy: here we go. oh, yeah. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: yep. [ laughter ] here's mom's harmonica. >> yeah. [ harmonica plays ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: she had a very small mouth. you almost couldn't hear her when she talked. [ laughter ] >> it made dad very unhappy. [ laughter and applause ]
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>> jimmy: i think i -- this is why we found this in her drawer, i guess. [ laughter ] >> what is it? >> jimmy: she would, at night time, go out and she'd work at the deli. [ laughter ] >> yeah. she didn't get paid. >> jimmy: nope. >> the people at the deli didn't know she walked in there and she would just work the late night shift there. >> jimmy: you used to play hide the salami, didn't you? >> i did. [ laughter ] yeah. i used to play hide the salami. it was a very fun game that no one played with me. >> jimmy: no. [ laughter ] nope. >> just me -- me in my room. >> jimmy: yep. [ laughter ] pretty fun. that was a good drawer. >> that's a good drawer. >> jimmy: it certainly is. anything in this one? >> jimmy: do you remember when rhonda stayed over at the house? [ laughter ] and we didn't tell mom or dad? >> no.
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>> jimmy: mom came in. she was all mad. she was like -- [ muffled ] "hey, get out of here. [ laughter ] what are you doing in here?" >> yeah. and then later, we walked in on mom and dad, and dad was wearing those. [ laughter ] we're like, "dad!" >> jimmy: yeah, we were. both -- yeah. said the same thing. that was just weird. >> um -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: is that from when rhonda stayed over at the house? [ laughter ] yeah. >> i think -- yeah, these are rhonda's pants. >> jimmy: yeah, they are. they're certainly rhonda's. she was great. she was a great girl. [ light laughter ] i think we have time for one more drawer. >> yeah, put it away nice. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: make sure it's good. [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: dad was a weird dude, wasn't he? [ laughter ] >> that was dad's adult diaper. [ laughter ] that's what he passed away in. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: he always said, "i wanted the top drawer." and here it is. [ laughter ] >> he always said, "put my top drawer in the top drawer." >> jimmy: "in the top drawer." [ laughter ] you remembered that. i can't believe you remembered that. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you know what i always remember, too? remember you used to do that funny dance for dad? >> yeah. >> jimmy: could you do it again? i'd love to see it. [ light laughter ] >> yeah. i love you, dad! >> jimmy: yeah. >> i love you, dad! >> jimmy: yeah! yeah! [ cheers and applause ] i missed you, brother. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> that was a great show. >> jimmy: i can't believe they canceled us after just half of one episode.
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[ laughter ] hey, you guys, horatio sanz, right here. go see him at the ucb august 14th. or somewhere around there. horatio sanz, everybody. we'll be right back with wwe superstar, triple h! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ also get a free flight. you know that comes with a private island. really? no. it comes with a hat. you see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital one venture card. you can book any airline anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow. [ male announcer ] to get the flights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's okay. i've played a pilot before. wha complete adult multivitamin onein a gummyacraves. with ingredients to support energy, immunity and your inner child. one a day vitacraves.
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>> jimmy: our next guest is the newly appointed coo of world wrestling entertainment and also a 13-time heavyweight world champion. on saturday, august 13th, he and many others big stars can be seen on wrestlemania, the world premiere at 9 p.m. here on nbc. you know this man as the cerebral assassin. [ cheers and applause ] the king of kings and one-half of degeneration x. get ready to play the game. put it together for wwe superstar, triple h! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ bow down to the bow down to the king bow down to the bow down to the king ♪ ♪ bow down to the bow down to the king
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bow down to the bow down to the king ♪ ♪ bow down to the bow down to the king ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you so much. thank you so much. what an entrance. >> it never gets old coming out of a smokey hole. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he said that earlier. >> he meant it, too. >> jimmy: yeah, he really did. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: now, you're the new coo of wwe. >> yeah. >> jimmy: this is major. congratulations. >> it is a storyline. congratulations, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. i mean, it's very good. >> thank you. >> jimmy: in a weird way, you had to fire your own father-in-law. >> yeah. which on one hand is weird, on one hand is emotional, and on the other hand is really, really fun. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: very satisfying. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> to go out on television --
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yeah, i've had the opportunity in my career to beat up my father-in-law and now fire him. it's like a dream job. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, yeah. so you're married to vince mcmahon's daughter. >> yes. >> jimmy: and, weirdly, it started as just a story line, right? >> yeah. i mean, quite honestly, we had never been around each other that much.jnd you know, we did this story in the show where, in true wwe fashion, she was getting married to another guy and on her bachelorette party, i mickeyed her drink and took her to a drive-through wedding chapel and married her. and she knew nothing about it until at the wedding when i came out and revealed this to the world. >> jimmy: that was great. that was great. >> yeah, but through the marriage on tv is actually how we got to know each other. we didn't really know each other that much before. we got to know each other, and then life imitated art. and i mickeyed her drink in real life, and -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, you did not do that! that's not true. >> and i got to marry her. >> jimmy: that's awesome. >> but, you know, life imitated art. you know, and we've been married for a long time now. and i have three wonderful kids. >> jimmy: that's so cool. congratulations. that's so good.
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>> it's great. [ cheers and applause ] and i like to say that it works, because we actually got to have a dry run. we were married and divorced on tv, so we got the whole thing down. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: and out of the way. i have a clip of you firing your father-in-law. this is pretty dramatic stuff. check this out. triple h. >> vince, the board has asked me to come here to tell you that they have filed an injunction against you with a vote of no confidence. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ na na na na na na na na hey, hey, hey good-bye ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ na na na na hey, hey, hey ♪ >> jimmy: he is great, huh? >> it brings a tear to a glass eye. >> jimmy: it really brings a -- exactly. now wrestlemania -- this
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wrestlemania -- the world >> jimmy: i'm excited about this. because this is -- wrestlemania is all the stars. >> it is. >> jimmy: all the superstars. >> this is, you know -- this is our big super bowl. it was last year in april -- oh, this past year in april. and we were in atlanta at the georgia dome, 72,000 people. set a record for the building, set a record for attendance at the gate and everything like that. >> jimmy: and how exciting is that? 72,000 people screaming, going nuts. >> it's crazy. >> jimmy: and the rock is returning. >> yeah. that was one of the big things this year. i wrestled the undertaker. john cena wrestled the miz, but the return of the rock back -- basically back home with us. >> jimmy: it's really cool. >> you know, he's been gone for quite a while, in person, making movies and all that, but his heart's always been with us. he's back now. >> jimmy: i think it's cool that he came back. >> yeah, it really is. and, you know, his fans never gave up on him. and he never really gave up on them. he just needed to go make some movies for a little bit. and now he's back full force. >> jimmy: yeah. >> bringing it, you know. >> jimmy: yeah, now he's bringing it. exactly. yeah, going nuts. >> yeah. >> jimmy: and also, i should say that snooki is going to be wrestling. [ light laughter ] >> yeah, she is on this -- >> jimmy: which is the truth. >> yeah. >> jimmy: you got to see this thing.
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it's insane. >> i know you can't believe it, but she actually fights in our program, and also -- >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: doesn't seem like a violent person. [ laughter ] >> yeah, it's -- kind of ridiculous. >> there was no hooking up that i know of. >> jimmy: no, no, no. that you know of. no, no. but who knows what happened backstage? horatio, will you -- >> horatio: will i be watching? >> jimmy: yeah. >> or hooking up? >> horatio: yeah, i would love to hook up with snooki. >> jimmy: yeah. [ laughter ] >> horatio: and if she wanted to wrestle beforehand or after, that's fine, too. >> jimmy: all right, perfect. >> jimmy: up next, voca people! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we'll never stop sharing our memories, or getting lost in a good book. we'll always cook dinner, and cheer for our favorite team. we'll still go to meetings, make home movies, and learn new things.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: from a galaxy far, far away and currently playing at the westside theater here in new york city. with a special performance just created for us earthlings here tonight, please welcome voca people. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy! let's hear your music. ♪ ♪ it's raining men hallelujah it's raining ♪ >> jimmy: stop, stop, stop! let me think of something different. that's my friend. i was just thinking about my friend's music. [ laughter ] >> ready? >> jimmy: yes. >> again. ♪ ♪ ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba
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ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ba ♪ ♪ bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum ♪ ♪ bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum ♪ ♪ bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ hallelujah, hallelujah hallelujah, hallelujah ♪ ♪ hallelujah, hallelujah
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hallelujah, hallelujah halle-lu-jah ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ in the mood in the mood in the mood in the mood ♪ ♪ in the mood ♪ ♪ i've got sunshine on a cloudy day when it's cold outside ♪ ♪ i've got the month of may, yeah well, i guess you'll say ♪ ♪ what can make me feel this way my girl
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talkin' bout my girl ♪ ♪ my girl my girl ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ jimmy fallon ♪ ♪ ♪ down around the corner half a mile from here ♪ ♪ you see them old trains go and you watch them disappear ♪ ♪ without love love mama love where would you be now now, now, now ♪ ♪ without love ♪ if it hadn't been for cotton-eye joe ♪ ♪ i'd been married long time ago where did you come from where did you go ♪ ♪ where did you come
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from cotton-eye joe ♪ ♪ switch ♪ i like to move it, move it i like to move it, get it i like to move it, move it you like to ♪ ♪ move it [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fantastic. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. voca people is at the westside theater here in new york! go see them! for tickets, go to! we'll be right back, you guys. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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